Billie Joe Dreams

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Posts: 231
June 18th, 2006 at 01:44pm
Conscientious Objector:
Once I dreamed that he was waiting for me on a café, and I arrived in a limousine... then we drank some Pepsi and only talked a little. I wrote a song called Two Pepsis and a Limousine about weird dreams after that O.o

And once I dreamed that he was the biggest arse in the world... he wouldn't talk to me, hug me, let me take a picture or give me an autograph... whatever.

And! (I dream many Billie Joe-dreams heh) I once dreamed that he and Adie was in my house, looking to buy it or something... when I saw them leave the house, two people weren't leaving... it was two gorillas o.O
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Posts: 231
June 18th, 2006 at 01:47pm
Actually, I had one last night. Green Day's tour bus crashed just outside my house, and they needed to use a phone, but they were all drunk so I let them stay over.. It was like a Green Day sleepover. We had a pillow fight, watched movies, ate popcorn, talked about music, and played truth or dare.. GOOD TIMES! Dude! This was my 69th post.. Hehe..
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 1966
June 18th, 2006 at 04:36pm
ROFL your dreams are awesome!! i have loads of green day dreams but i forgot them! I once dreamed that i was billie joe and i was on the roof of my house and i was with adry {thats all i remember} !! And once my sis dreamed that we were in egypt and i went in a pyramid and my sis was outside of the pyramid and billie joe went near her and told her that actually he was daniel radcliffe (harry potter)!! WEIRD 0_o
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 33
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June 18th, 2006 at 04:42pm
lmfao WTF?! XD
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 627
June 18th, 2006 at 07:41pm
Actually, I had one last night. Green Day's tour bus crashed just outside my house, and they needed to use a phone, but they were all drunk so I let them stay over.. It was like a Green Day sleepover. We had a pillow fight, watched movies, ate popcorn, talked about music, and played truth or dare.. GOOD TIMES! Dude! This was my 69th post.. Hehe..

Batteries Not Included.
King For A Couple Of Days
Batteries Not Included.
Age: 32
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Posts: 3867
June 18th, 2006 at 11:06pm
ROFL your dreams are awesome!! i have loads of green day dreams but i forgot them! I once dreamed that i was billie joe and i was on the roof of my house and i was with adry {thats all i remember} !! And once my sis dreamed that we were in egypt and i went in a pyramid and my sis was outside of the pyramid and billie joe went near her and told her that actually he was daniel radcliffe (harry potter)!! WEIRD 0_o

odd...... Eh
Basket Case BJ
Basket Case BJ
Age: 32
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Posts: 267

June 18th, 2006 at 11:47pm
My friend and i went to a GD concert and Billie Joe pulled us onto stage and told us to go backstage and watch tv. the only thing on was blues clues. Billie Joe said that he was canceling the concert beacuse Bluse cluse was on and it was a new eppisode(sp?).

I found this guy tring to sell Billie's guitar 'Blue' and ran over to him, hugged him and said tanks for the present daddy, walked off and asked my mom to find out Billie's phone number. I called him and the first thing he said was, "I didn't order any fucking pizza!" I said i had his guitar and he flipped out. He told me to take a picture of it with me on it and e'mail it to Then he came over and told me to get in his car. Joey was back there and Billie told him to poke me until we got to the ice cream place that sold hot dogs. then i woke up.
Batteries Not Included.
King For A Couple Of Days
Batteries Not Included.
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 3867
June 18th, 2006 at 11:54pm
My friend and i went to a GD concert and Billie Joe pulled us onto stage and told us to go backstage and watch tv. the only thing on was blues clues. Billie Joe said that he was canceling the concert beacuse Bluse cluse was on and it was a new eppisode(sp?).

I found this guy tring to sell Billie's guitar 'Blue' and ran over to him, hugged him and said tanks for the present daddy, walked off and asked my mom to find out Billie's phone number. I called him and the first thing he said was, "I didn't order any fucking pizza!" I said i had his guitar and he flipped out. He told me to take a picture of it with me on it and e'mail it to Then he came over and told me to get in his car. Joey was back there and Billie told him to poke me until we got to the ice cream place that sold hot dogs. then i woke up.

blues clues huh? when i was little that was my favorite show!

"I didnt order any fucking pizza" now thats classic! lmfao
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 1966
June 19th, 2006 at 03:45am
~Im The Minority~:
ROFL your dreams are awesome!! i have loads of green day dreams but i forgot them! I once dreamed that i was billie joe and i was on the roof of my house and i was with adry {thats all i remember} !! And once my sis dreamed that we were in egypt and i went in a pyramid and my sis was outside of the pyramid and billie joe went near her and told her that actually he was daniel radcliffe (harry potter)!! WEIRD 0_o

odd...... Eh
yeah i know its odd!!! My sis dreams weird stuff like she went buying ice once !!
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 41
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Posts: 6877

June 21st, 2006 at 01:51am
Last night I dreamt that I was in some sort of banquet hall, like at a wedding reception, and I was sitting at a table with Green Day, but earlier in the dream I was in some cheap apartment in some city, with actress Marisa Tomei, who was telling me about her and Billie Joe's kids. Shocked So, back at this banquet doohickey, I go up to Billie and tell him I know about his secret kids and tell him he has to be a dad to them, and also tell Adie. But then he got angry at me, and told me to fuck off.

Crying or Very sad Not cool, Armstrong. Not cool.

But the good thing is that I ended up standing next to Mike who I think might've been comforting me after what Billie Joe said. Wink
Age: 36
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Posts: 260
June 22nd, 2006 at 01:07am
I dreamt that I was in a car making out heavily with Billie.. yet I was calling him by my ex's name. Confused
achin' to be
Had A Life Before GSB
achin' to be
Age: 37
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Posts: 25324
June 22nd, 2006 at 07:12am
I had this really long dream that didn't invole Billie until the end, when i was standing outside
this hotel, and i was like, "I'm gonna go and see how Billie is" (? Like i knew him) and i went up to his room and he was in bed sulking, wearing these god awful striped pyjamas. And i was trying to make him feel better (no clue what was making him feel bad) and then he sort of...pounced on me. And the whole time Fallout boy was playing. But then someone burst through the door and it turned into an episode of Eastenders and i woke up.
That was weird. and quite unsettling too.
Board Parasite
Age: 35
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Posts: 38824
June 22nd, 2006 at 11:15am
Erm yeah.... I had a Billie/Tre sex yeah!!! RAWR
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 201

June 22nd, 2006 at 02:15pm
One time I had this dream that me and Billie were sitting on this white couch and we were in this white room and then he put his arm around me and I smiled at him and then we fell asleep adn then out of nowhere Tre came in and he was naked. He was streaking all around the room and it was really wierd. And then we started to make out and Tre was still running around naked. It was reallly strange! Smile Cigara Rasta AfroGrin Pray Coffee Naughty Think lmfao Cheer Sex Grli Driver Mr. Green Mr. Green GZA Hug Ass Beer Condom Shifty F15 F15 F15

lots of emotiocons! woot!
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 201

June 22nd, 2006 at 02:20pm
Lots of my dreams are about Billie......
Feeling It Yet?
Feeling It Yet?
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Posts: 369
June 23rd, 2006 at 03:51am
I had this dream that i was at Billies wedding....
it was freaky cause i didnt see the bride till the end...when 'she' turned around, i found out it was Tre
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 41
Gender: Female
Posts: 6877

June 23rd, 2006 at 10:18pm
Erm yeah.... I had a Billie/Tre sex yeah!!! RAWR
Shocked Sooper. Though I prefer Billie/Mike.
Basket Case
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Posts: 19586

June 23rd, 2006 at 11:04pm
Erm yeah.... I had a Billie/Tre sex yeah!!! RAWR
Shocked Sooper. Though I prefer Billie/Mike.

I have no preference Dno

I'm lenient Fizz
Billie Joe's Sweetie
Falling In Love With The Board
Billie Joe's Sweetie
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Posts: 8124
June 25th, 2006 at 07:44pm
last night, I had the wierdest dream!! Billie Joe was on The View and Barbra Walter's asked him how his wife was doing and Billie was like "Oh my God she is great in bed! Just talking about her now is getting me aroused." ...thenI woke up. BUT THEN! I want back to sleep and I was backstage at a GD concert and Billie came back and somehow we were outside. I wanted Billie to do something for me so I kissed him long and hard on the lips, and before I was done, I woke up.
Age: 32
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Posts: 14389

June 25th, 2006 at 07:49pm
Anyone seen the movie 'Pearl Harbour'?

Well you see I have this fan fic on GSB about a girl who's in the army and fall's in love with Billie.
But in my dream I was in the army and I was going out with BJ.
We both got sent over to a foreign country and (Just like in Pearl Harbour) Billie saves me and gets shot.
Now while he's dying I'm holding him and telling him how he can't die and that I love him.
Billie then dies in my arms.

It was so scary and so real. I woke up shaking and nearly in tears. It was awful.