Ask Armstrong!
Author | Message |
lyrical_mess Falling In Love With The Board ![]() Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 5278 ![]() ![]() | Dear green day 4 life, I don't know what you should do. I don't normally tell fans to stop listening to my band's music. But Green Day isn't proud to have fans like you who tell people they suck because of a dirty joke they made in a thread. Don't be unobsessed. Just be nice. And read the rules. Love, Billie Emo. ---------------------------------------------- Dear Billie Joe, I cannot sleep. I've lost my voice. I'm speechless and redundant. Can you help me out? Love, Insomniac. |
i worship billie joe Falling In Love With The Board ![]() Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 5509 | Dear Insomniac, Take some medicine and sleep till ya feel better. Love Billie dear billie, I have lost something[my Mind] the last time i went to 86 and I'll never find it now can u HELP mE? Signed Punk Princess |
lyrical_mess Falling In Love With The Board ![]() Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 5278 ![]() ![]() | Dear Punk Princess, There's no return from 86. Don't even try. Besides, insane people are mad fun! Love, Billie Joe. --------------------- No more lyrical questions... ![]() Dear Billie Joe, There are people that piss me off so bad. I don't want to mention names, but they type awful and I have a feeling they're making stuff up. It's so annoying. I don't want to say anything to them because it'll start a huge hate fight and I'll get banned, so is there anything I can do? Yours truly, Pissed. |
i worship billie joe Falling In Love With The Board ![]() Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 5509 | Dear Pissed, Just Pm them{Nicely} about it But if theres 2 many of them Pick and choose which ones make u mad Billie dear billie I told some friends of mine im thinking of dyeing my hair when im older but they say leave it like it is what do u think i should do? Signed Confused |
Billie's Willie Moderator ![]() Age: 35 Gender: Female Posts: 46473 ![]() ![]() | i worship billie joe: Dear Confused, I think you shouldn't worry about what your friends think. Change can be a good thing sometimes. You should be the one to make that decision though. Not your friends. Billie ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dear Billie, I've kind of been having doubts about the career I want to pursue (I want to be an artist). I feel that if I become and artist, it will take all the fun out of drawing in my spare time and I won't have another hobby, yet the only thing I can see myself being any good at is art. Any help? Signed, Maybe an Artist |
Tyler Durden Jackass ![]() Age: - Gender: Male Posts: 1454 ![]() | dear maybe an artist, Maybe you should be an art teacher. that way, you can pick what you want to teach, and you get payed pretty well to! and you can always persue another career if you so choose. XD The BJ Dear Billie J my friend found out my password to an online game, and is using it against me. i can't change my password, but i don't want to lose my friends either. (it's like IM, only cooler) what shoud i do? Signed I WANT MY ACCOUNT BACK!!!! |
Iam2fly4u Geek ![]() Age: 34 Gender: Female Posts: 102 | Dear I WANT MY ACCOUNT BACK!!!!, Ask your friend to please stop using your account. Your friend will eventually give it up. And if she doesn't, screw her. Try to make a new account. The One and Only, Billie Joe ___________________________________________________ Dear Billie Joe, I've been having trouble in school lately. I think it might be because of this guy that sits in front of me in English. I can't stop thinking about his muscles! Billie, what can I do to stop? I guess I sound pretty desperate asking a guy. And I am! Signed, StupidGirl |
DaveyHavok_Is_Sex Geek ![]() Age: 30 Gender: Female Posts: 443 | Dear Billie, I love my boyfriend but i'm not in love with him anymore cuase he has changed but there is another guy i like I don't want to break up with him becuase he'll think I only did it just for another guy and not for anything else and i want to stay friends with him and not make their friendship end their best friends wat should I do?? |
Tyler Durden Jackass ![]() Age: - Gender: Male Posts: 1454 ![]() | Dear Stupid Girl, why don't you talk to him? if you don't want to do that, why don't you ask your teacher to be moved? Hope this helped Lots Of Love, The BJ Dear TreCool_Is_Sex, READ THE F***ING RULES FOR F***S SAKE!!! you have to answer a question before you can ask one |
Kimsex Addict ![]() Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 13097 ![]() | Dear onethousandsmooth: Don't be mean, or hipocrytical. Because YOU didn't ask a question after answering yours ![]() Back to the game? Yes. I think so. |
lyrical_mess Falling In Love With The Board ![]() Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 5278 ![]() ![]() | TreCool_Is_Sex: someone answer this, please. |
kimix_billielove Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 13 | dear billie ..... have U ever think about your iranian fan? hah im iranian:d |
lyrical_mess Falling In Love With The Board ![]() Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 5278 ![]() ![]() | Hi Kimi! Welcome to GSB. I'd like to give you some advice: please go to the first page of this thread and read the rules. Thanks. |
Kimsex Addict ![]() Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 13097 ![]() | lyrical_mess: [totall off topic] I though you were talking to me at first I was all ![]() ![]() Iam2fly4u: Dear Stupid Girl. Hmm Tricky. Maybe you should as your teacher to move you to the front of the class, that way, not only will he not be distracting, but nothing else will either! It'll help get your grades up too. Love, B-Jo in the Hizz-o Dear Billie Joe I don't know what to do next year. Our class choices are coming up for next year and I can't decide wheter or not to take a study hall. I'm in all honors courses, so It would make sense that I have an hour of work time, but still. I want to take Latin and keep myself busy since I don't do sports that much. Any advice? Love Et Tu Brute. |
Sherlock Board Parasite ![]() Age: 39 Gender: Female Posts: 35331 | Dear Et Tu Brute, Do whatever you're passionate about, because those are the things you will always do best in and find it easiest to give them your all. I always wanted to study Latin, but never got the chance. Treasure it! Love & peepers, Bill. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Billie, I am in my final year of university and have been working my ass off, but no matter what I do, my grades don't get any better. I used to do so much better in secondary school, I'm starting to think my brain is dying! LOL. What's wrong with me?? ![]() Much love and sexual thoughts your way, Wasted. |
nimrodidiot Jackass ![]() Age: 31 Gender: Female Posts: 1747 ![]() | Dear wasted, Well, first off, I'm not the one to ask.... I'm the one who dropped out of high school, remember? All that I can say is to keep focused and don't get wasted, you won't remember shit the next day. (I'm sure you found that out the hard way) Love, Billie Joe --------------------------- Dear Billie, I'm trying to write really good songs, but I've only thought of one good one. (it's been about 3 moths since the last time i wrote.) You're the best songwriter ever, you must know. Love, Writer's Block Magnet |
Milk King For A Couple Of Days ![]() Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 3741 ![]() ![]() | Dear Writer's block Magnet You should keep a notebook handy, incase you get an idea for some lyrics. If you really like what you write, you'll be able to write something even better next time. Love, Billie ----------------------- Dear Billie Joe I've taught myself how to be tolerant of other people, and to ignore what they say of me, but I'm going back to school soon (I'm homeschooled) And I don't know how to react. The school I'm going to is really bad for teasing, and I hate being the new kid. Love, New Kid. |
emo_kid_luvs_gd Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie ![]() Age: 31 Gender: Female Posts: 18 | Dear New Kid, Act normal....i mean as urself.....and if they have something to say let them fuck off and die....I'm sure u will find at least one good friend! GOOD LUCK! ![]() Love BILLIE JOE -------------------------------------------------------------- Dear BJ, My mom dosen't want me to play the guitar but i can't hepl it....give me an advice.... Love emo~guitar~luver |
Sumthin Smushi Idiot ![]() Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 707 | Dear emo~guitar~luver, convince ur mom that something really bad will happen to you if you stop. or show her how good u are at it...maybe she'll change her mind. if she still doesnt buy the guitar anyway...i mean...whats the big deal anyway?? Love BJ. --------------------------------- Dear Billie Joe, 5 years best friend's boyfriend died in a car accident. she never really talked about it much n kept all her emotions inside. right now, she's starting to remeber everything, crying, n worst of all, blaming herself for his death. she's even having nightmares about it. i tried to comfort her so many times, but it never works. i told her that he would never want her to feel the way she is feeling right now, but she didnt buy that either. what should i do?? love, S.S. |
ilikebillie Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 8 | Dear S.S., This is a tough question. my advice is to remind her of the good times that they shared together. If that doesn't work maybe she should consider talking to a counselor. Love Billie -------------------------------- Dear Billie joe, Iv'e been seing something related to Green day every where i turn. what is going on? green day addict |
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