Hahaha my mate just posted that picture on Twitter, I'mma get my ass outta bed and see if it's snowed again here.
Yes, it has, but only a little. Baaaaaaah. I want the trains to be all right tomorrow - they were awful yesterday and I need to try and get down to Soho so I can see Mark Watson do a work in progress show. HMPH.
that picture is sort of scary. girls, what have you DONE with the joint while I've been away? warm it the fuck up again before I come back please. nice to see ireland still has fields of green and all that though, you see, thats all the hot irishmen keeping things ticking over.
well, ive spent my afternoon/eveneing at a barbecue and im a little bit drunk. wuhaaay! in other news jamie and i are thinkng about ditching our housemates and moving in together. shhh though, its a secret.
right im off to mibba to find out how much sex tre and billie joe have been having recently and whether or not i can expect jay and jamie in new zealand soon. do they want meeting at the airport? spose we can discuss details nearer the time. love you all!
Oh and ZR, I'm appearing offline constantly these days to avoid talking to any miscreants, so if it says I'm offline just start chatting and chances are I'll be there. Providing it's not morning.
do they do gay weddings in vegas? cos im up for making a weekend of it. sort it out elle!
FP , i dont think there's anything wrong with listening to the eagles and the squeeze. i tried to come up with a witty response to your question then realised i dont really know what the kids are listening to these days. lets just be old men together. that came out wrong.
yeah i do like my noisy housemate but she is a bit annoying sometimes cause she is just always like ME ME ME and its like, helloooo i am trying to have a job and a hot boyfriend here. she likes to come into my room and sit there for like 4 hours blagging on about her latest victim. still she makes good curry and she keeps the bathroom clean and shes quite cute really. sometimes.
i went swimming the other day and managed to slash my neck up on a mean bit of seaweed and now i look like ive been attacked. thats all the news from down under. xxxxxx
Really? You think it's okay? Cos I'm on Kirsty Macoll, Dire Straits, Beautiful South and Texas now. It's going a bit far I think. Maybe I should have a binge on Calvin Harris to counter it. I dunno.
OMG Jonny, I can't imagine how tough it is, trying to juggle a job and a hot boyfriend. I'm totally in awe of you. LOL @ the use of the word 'victim' btw.
You got slashed up by some seaweed? Fucking hell, you wouldn't last 10 minutes in Whitechapel, sunshine.
I'm glad my laziness amuses you.
Alexa. Falling In Love With The Board Age: 35 Gender: Female Posts: 5253
January 16th, 2010 at 09:11am
Lexus embarrassed herself last night. She got very drunk, went to Will's, threw up in front of him and then couldn't fathom why he didn't want to sleep with her. Smooth.
xZildjianRockerx King For A Couple Of Days Age: 40 Gender: Female Posts: 4936
January 16th, 2010 at 09:39am
Heeeeeeere's Jonny!:
do they do gay weddings in vegas? cos im up for making a weekend of it. sort it out elle!
I would doubt it! Last I heard they were only allowed in the north eastern states. I'm up for a weekend in Vegas anyway, I'll perform a ceremony for you in the hotel.
How exactly do you get slashed by seaweed?! You're such a soft bastard sometimes.
Lexus I completely sympathise with your ordeal. A similar thing happened to me on my birthday, though I didn't throw up.
My liver still hurts though. I'm on water for the next few days, ha!
Alexa. Falling In Love With The Board Age: 35 Gender: Female Posts: 5253
January 16th, 2010 at 01:29pm
Haha, I had no recollection of this when I woke up so he had to fill me in, it was mortifying.
I'm not drinking for the rest of the week, but I'm bound to end up going out again next weekend as exams will finally be over and I can get back to having a life!
This was the "our exams are halfway-over" celebration.
ZR I'm blaming you for passing on the fiction bug.
Haha! I'm proud.
Omg, I had to teach 15 4 and 5 year olds today. I want to go to bed and it's only 6.30.
I do not envy your career choice at ALL.
Anyway, don't go to bed, I posted my second chapter this morning I'll let you read it if you like. If you're majorly interested I may even let you get ahead of the game a little bit. I've ust finished the seventh chapter. OH DEAR.