Balancing Acts 2

Heeeeeeere's Jonny!
Heeeeeeere's Jonny!
Age: 42
Gender: Male
Posts: 1330
March 28th, 2010 at 03:59pm
has anyone heard from sari baby btw? she must be getting read to welcome the little one, im worried about her.
Age: 32
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Posts: 1170
March 29th, 2010 at 12:33am
She is right here! And she is fat and miserable and has only 8 weeks left to go!

I'm sorry I haven't been on, Steve (my baby daddy, haha) and I moved. We have been too lazy to hook up the wireless internet at our place and I stay in bed mostly because of persistant nausea. It is pretty ridiculous, 8 weeks left and I am still getting sick like I was in the first trimester. They are shoving meds down my throat for it now because I lost weight.

So, I went into what I believe they call 'false labor' three days ago. I am no longer nervous, I am efffing terrified. That nurse woman was obviously mad at the world because she took it out on my uhm, body parts. She didn't know the definition of gentle. But she said, if it isn't tmi, that I was beginning to dialate (sp?). So, he shall be with us soon. Smile

Oh! My lovely hippie man and I have settled on a name. Caden Rayne. Not sold on the middle name since it is 'Rain' with a fancy spelling but it makes Steve happy. So I am happy.

*sigh* Well, I am too uncomfortable to, I am gonna eat pretty much everything in the fridge. I love and miss you all. Sorry it is so dead in here, I will try posting more. And baby pictures soon!
King For A Couple Of Days
Age: 40
Gender: Female
Posts: 4936

March 29th, 2010 at 01:49pm
Sari! It is so good to hear from you my love! Sorry to hear you are still nauseaus, that sucks. I can't believe you only have 8 weeks to go! I hope everything goes well with the final countdown, I think you are SO amazing. Caden is a lovely name and I am beyond excited about seeing the first pictures of him! Lots and lots and lots of hugs! xxxx
King For A Couple Of Days
Age: 40
Gender: Female
Posts: 4936

March 29th, 2010 at 02:00pm
Oh and Indonesia Jonboy? Tan? Pssssh, you two need to stop lounging around in the sun and get some fucking work done before I get any more jealous of you than I am already.
King For A Couple Of Days
Age: 41
Gender: Female
Posts: 4894

March 29th, 2010 at 04:56pm
Sari, you are such a brave little toaster! Thanks for stopping in and updating us on how you and the baby are doing. Just remember we're all thinking of you and baby Caden! xxx
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 1170
March 29th, 2010 at 10:17pm
I am so ready to be done, I was telling my mother that I was gonna go on a long bike ride to induce some labor today. So, Steve rode my bike to work. Sad

Haha, thanks Elle. I love the name Caden, always have. I hope everything goes well with the final countdown also...yikes.

And Liz, I can't believe you said/typed "brave little toaster". I just dug through all of my old VHS tapes to find that particular one for Caden once he is here. I also found my Princess Bride one and have been a total nerd about it since.

Oh, Jonny! Don't know if you check your GSB profile for comments but I left you one saying that your birthday is my due date. :]
Flaming Phalanges!
Basket Case
Flaming Phalanges!
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Posts: 17669
March 31st, 2010 at 02:58pm
OMG SARI. *huggles you*

I can't believe there are only 8 weeks left for you. That's insane. I'd be shitting bricks but you seem to be doing okay! Try not to worry - if giving birth was THAT terrible, everyone in the world would only have 1 kid. But women do it again and again because the pros far outweigh the cons. I know you'll deal with it super duper well and I hope there are lots and lots of drugs on hand for you so it's as painfree as possible.

And you have done very well with your name choice. Your kid is gonna be a DUUUUUUUUDE with a name like that. XD
Janie Jones
Falling In Love With The Board
Janie Jones
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 5438
March 31st, 2010 at 08:31pm
SARI Hug Hug Caden is an excellent name, I approve wholeheartedly. I'm so glad you're doing all right! I can only imagine how much I would be freaking out in your position, haha. Hang in there, like FP said, it'll be worth it, and you and your boy seem as ready as you can be! <3333333

Also, wtf Jonny, I want to go to Indonesia and get a tan. I don't think I've seen the sun in Boston in about two weeks. However, I am sitting in the newspaper office helping to plan what is going to be a completely Harry Potter-themed issue tomorrow, so that's pretty fabulous.
Flaming Phalanges!
Basket Case
Flaming Phalanges!
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Posts: 17669
April 1st, 2010 at 08:45am
Janie Jones:
SARI Hug Hug Caden is an excellent name, I approve wholeheartedly. I'm so glad you're doing all right! I can only imagine how much I would be freaking out in your position, haha. Hang in there, like FP said, it'll be worth it, and you and your boy seem as ready as you can be! <3333333

Also, wtf Jonny, I want to go to Indonesia and get a tan. I don't think I've seen the sun in Boston in about two weeks. However, I am sitting in the newspaper office helping to plan what is going to be a completely Harry Potter-themed issue tomorrow, so that's pretty fabulous.

Oh wow! I'm way jealous! Harry Potter newspaper sounds absolutely immense!!! Are you having a special crossword with Potter clues and shit? Aaaah I wish our magazine would do special Harry Potter editions but nooooooo. We just get interviews with the bloke from the Inbetweeners. Pssssht.

And Jonny, I didn't grope him in Glasgow, nor in Birmingham when I did it again, but in Vienna, on Monday when I did it a third time, he grabbed me by the hand and pulled me to the front of the stage, so I died just a little bit.

Oh and THIS happened:
The caption is our conversation. Sherlock Holmes better watch out cos Mika's detective work is FAR superior to his own. Too cool

He well checked out my bountiful bosom so if you need any details feel free to pm me and I will tell you all the lies about what really happened that night. I can't be arsed to find an eye-rolling smilie but you can imagine, I guess.
King For A Couple Of Days
Age: 41
Gender: Female
Posts: 4894

April 1st, 2010 at 10:18pm
Flaming Phalanges!:
He well checked out my bountiful bosom so if you need any details feel free to pm me and I will tell you all the lies about what really happened that night. I can't be arsed to find an eye-rolling smilie but you can imagine, I guess.


...oh, FP, you amuse me! Smile
Flaming Phalanges!
Basket Case
Flaming Phalanges!
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Posts: 17669
April 2nd, 2010 at 07:36am
Flaming Phalanges!:
He well checked out my bountiful bosom so if you need any details feel free to pm me and I will tell you all the lies about what really happened that night. I can't be arsed to find an eye-rolling smilie but you can imagine, I guess.


...oh, FP, you amuse me! Smile

LOL I'm glad, Liz. Though the most hilarious thing of all was that it actually happened.

Hmmm, I want a laughing smiling but I feel lmfao is too excessive.
Janie Jones
Falling In Love With The Board
Janie Jones
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 5438
April 2nd, 2010 at 11:45pm
We didn't have a Harry Potter crossword but we did have just about everything else - a Quidditch recap in the sports section, a report of a hippogriff showing up on campus, aaand we renamed the College of General Studies the College of General Squibs Laughing it was an excellent time.

I am so jealous/impressed/pleased that you and Mika are basically bffs. That picture is fantastic XD and ahaha, I love you for the bosom remark. You should put that in your profile and see how many people PM you.
Flaming Phalanges!
Basket Case
Flaming Phalanges!
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Posts: 17669
April 3rd, 2010 at 08:57am
Janie Jones:
We didn't have a Harry Potter crossword but we did have just about everything else - a Quidditch recap in the sports section, a report of a hippogriff showing up on campus, aaand we renamed the College of General Studies the College of General Squibs Laughing it was an excellent time.

I am so jealous/impressed/pleased that you and Mika are basically bffs. That picture is fantastic XD and ahaha, I love you for the bosom remark. You should put that in your profile and see how many people PM you.

OMGGGGG that sounds amaaaaazing! I wish our uni was anywhere NEAR as awesome as that but alas, no.

I guess we are kinda BFFs. His sister and mum know me, hahaha, and some of his crew, too, so when I was backstage the other girls were like 'whoooooooa' when they all said hi. XD Maybe I should put the bosom comment on my profile...though I wonder how many Mika fans there actually are on here.

And I wonder how many people would even care, regardless of which mega famous musician it was who was supposedly looking down someone's top? Perhaps it would be a little self centred of me to consider that people actually give a damn, and really, there are no details. He turned, he looked, he averted his gaze because he is polite, we continued our conversation. HARDLY the content of a bestselling novel, is it?
King For A Couple Of Days
Age: 41
Gender: Female
Posts: 4894

April 4th, 2010 at 09:09pm
Flaming Phalanges!:
Flaming Phalanges!:
He well checked out my bountiful bosom so if you need any details feel free to pm me and I will tell you all the lies about what really happened that night. I can't be arsed to find an eye-rolling smilie but you can imagine, I guess.


...oh, FP, you amuse me! Smile

LOL I'm glad, Liz. Though the most hilarious thing of all was that it actually happened.

Hmmm, I want a laughing smiling but I feel lmfao is too excessive.

Well, I actually believe YOU.

Also, I'm confident that Mika didn't run off somewhere and beg for someone to gauge his eyes out after seeing your bountiful goodness. Just sayin' Wink
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 1170
April 4th, 2010 at 11:21pm
6 weeks this Tuesday.

And I am nervous, or terrified is a better word for it really. But you all are so good at making me forget I should be nervous/scared about anything. Wink
Flaming Phalanges!
Basket Case
Flaming Phalanges!
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Posts: 17669
April 5th, 2010 at 07:55am

Well, I actually believe YOU.

Also, I'm confident that Mika didn't run off somewhere and beg for someone to gauge his eyes out after seeing your bountiful goodness. Just sayin' Wink

Nope, those beautiful brown eyes are still safely tucked in their sockets. Thank goodness. XD

6 weeks this Tuesday.

And I am nervous, or terrified is a better word for it really. But you all are so good at making me forget I should be nervous/scared about anything. Wink

All you have to remember Sari is that there is NOTHING that drugs won't fix.

*is fountain of responsible advice*

No but seriously, I mean, people have been having children for about, ten years or something now, I'm pretty sure the doctors have got that shit nailed, right Jonny?
Heeeeeeere's Jonny!
Heeeeeeere's Jonny!
Age: 42
Gender: Male
Posts: 1330
April 6th, 2010 at 04:54am
Flaming Phalanges!:

Well, I actually believe YOU.

Also, I'm confident that Mika didn't run off somewhere and beg for someone to gauge his eyes out after seeing your bountiful goodness. Just sayin' Wink

Nope, those beautiful brown eyes are still safely tucked in their sockets. Thank goodness. XD

6 weeks this Tuesday.

And I am nervous, or terrified is a better word for it really. But you all are so good at making me forget I should be nervous/scared about anything. Wink

All you have to remember Sari is that there is NOTHING that drugs won't fix.

*is fountain of responsible advice*

No but seriously, I mean, people have been having children for about, ten years or something now, I'm pretty sure the doctors have got that shit nailed, right Jonny?

right right right. sari my darling, you will be fine. i mean im not really an expert on the childbirth thing, being a boy and all, but all i can say is ive watched babies being born before and the moment the kid is out of there the mums have forgotten it even hurt at all. are you doing it au naturel?
yeah i remembered your due date was my birthday, but by the sounds of it you might have him sooner! you can be dilated for weeks before labour tho, he might just be getting himself ready. howww exciting. cadens a good name too, you and your boyfriend are going to be shit hot at this, i can tell already.

oh and what eXACTLY was this nurse doing with your body parts?! because if shes no good demand someone who has some fucking patience and consideration. guh some people. if only i could be there to get the job done myself! Wink
Heeeeeeere's Jonny!
Heeeeeeere's Jonny!
Age: 42
Gender: Male
Posts: 1330
April 6th, 2010 at 05:00am
Flaming Phalanges!:

And Jonny, I didn't grope him in Glasgow, nor in Birmingham when I did it again, but in Vienna, on Monday when I did it a third time, he grabbed me by the hand and pulled me to the front of the stage, so I died just a little bit.

Oh and THIS happened:
The caption is our conversation. Sherlock Holmes better watch out cos Mika's detective work is FAR superior to his own. Too cool

He well checked out my bountiful bosom so if you need any details feel free to pm me and I will tell you all the lies about what really happened that night. I can't be arsed to find an eye-rolling smilie but you can imagine, I guess.

wtf, you went to vienna?glasgow? birmingham? and you havent groped him yet? get the fuck in there. he is weeeeell checkin you out, have i taught you nothing?
Flaming Phalanges!
Basket Case
Flaming Phalanges!
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Posts: 17669
April 6th, 2010 at 08:45am
Heeeeeeere's Jonny!:
Flaming Phalanges!:

And Jonny, I didn't grope him in Glasgow, nor in Birmingham when I did it again, but in Vienna, on Monday when I did it a third time, he grabbed me by the hand and pulled me to the front of the stage, so I died just a little bit.

Oh and THIS happened:
The caption is our conversation. Sherlock Holmes better watch out cos Mika's detective work is FAR superior to his own. Too cool

He well checked out my bountiful bosom so if you need any details feel free to pm me and I will tell you all the lies about what really happened that night. I can't be arsed to find an eye-rolling smilie but you can imagine, I guess.

wtf, you went to vienna?glasgow? birmingham? and you havent groped him yet? get the fuck in there. he is weeeeell checkin you out, have i taught you nothing?

I did 9 UK shows + Vienna and I've danced with him 3 times. He grabbed me by the hand and pulled me to the front of the stage. *fangurl sigh*

Milan in...2 weeks as well, then Amsterdam 2 weeks after that. XD Yes, I'm crazy, I know.
King For A Couple Of Days
Age: 40
Gender: Female
Posts: 4936

April 6th, 2010 at 09:07am
Omg, it is so cool to have everyone posting again! Yes, FP is crazy. Sometimes if she goes missing for a few days I just consult the Mika tour schedule to check where she is XD

I'm sure Sari will be fine too, drugs or not. I have heard that gas and air makes you go crazy in these situations though, which might add a bit of comic relief to the proceedings. During labour, my friend asked the doctor what was the strangest thing he'd ever pulled out of anyone and he said she wouldnt want to know. I kind of still want to know.