Suicide and self harm!

Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie
Age: 34
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Posts: 19
July 4th, 2008 at 05:30pm
Not sure if I've posted already, but I'm gonna again.
I used to think about suicide, still do actually. I'm not Irish, I'm Welsh, and I can tell you now, it's a depressing country. I used to self harm as well, but haven't in months.
toybox trash
toybox trash
Age: 28
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July 19th, 2008 at 07:14pm
Honestly, I think cutting and depression is sometimes used for a way to get attention. People need to realize that someone out there really does love them and they need to always remember that.
Age: 32
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Mibba Blog
July 20th, 2008 at 01:49pm
People need to realize that someone out there really does love them and they need to always remember that.
I sincerely doubt everyone has someone who cares about them. We don't live in a fairy tale.
toybox trash
toybox trash
Age: 28
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July 20th, 2008 at 03:01pm
People need to realize that someone out there really does love them and they need to always remember that.
I sincerely doubt everyone has someone who cares about them. We don't live in a fairy tale.

You're right but I don't think that everyone is unloved out there. Whether they're living in an alcoholic home or they're in an abusive relationship there's always a pair of open arms out there. That's why orginizations like TWLOHA was made. They were made to show that no matter what they are cared about and their lives are worth keeping.
Basket Case
Age: 34
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July 22nd, 2008 at 10:00am
Not sure if I've posted already, but I'm gonna again.
I used to think about suicide, still do actually. I'm not Irish, I'm Welsh, and I can tell you now, it's a depressing country. I used to self harm as well, but haven't in months.
NO! I'm Welsh too! But I'm proud of my nationality, and by no means think that it is a depressing country. Maybe in the early ninties, but currently, Cardiff is one of the most awesome cities in the U.K. and Wales does have the prettiest countryside and sheep in the world, I think, appart from maybe New Zealand. You should be proud to be Welsh, and it allows for a good reason to be angry at the English. So enjoy, relish your inner-Welsh.

Plus, Torchwood! I mean, come on, we totally deserve it.
Age: 32
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August 8th, 2008 at 06:00pm

I'd have t disagree with Kurtni.

"People need to realize that someone out there really does love them"
and "There's a few organizations that can help and the people working there are sincere" are two different statements Coolio just saying
Age: 32
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Posts: 62283
August 8th, 2008 at 06:00pm
edit: database errors apparently lead to double posts t_t
Jello Biafra.
Falling In Love With The Board
Jello Biafra.
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August 8th, 2008 at 11:25pm
Ok, I was just on MySpace and I was looking at this girl's MySpace (who, btw is like a friend of a friend or something) and she seriously cut her arms up and took pictures of them and posted them in her one of her photo albums, which

A) I think MySpace should have some kind of issue with
B) Was a stupid thing that she did
C) Made me actually feel really bad for her that nobody is paying enough attention to even notice the fact that she has pictures on MySpace proving it.

but idk that's just my opinion of it Coolio
Love my insanity
Love my insanity
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August 14th, 2008 at 11:51am
Jello Biafra.:
Ok, I was just on MySpace and I was looking at this girl's MySpace (who, btw is like a friend of a friend or something) and she seriously cut her arms up and took pictures of them and posted them in her one of her photo albums, which

A) I think MySpace should have some kind of issue with
B) Was a stupid thing that she did
C) Made me actually feel really bad for her that nobody is paying enough attention to even notice the fact that she has pictures on MySpace proving it.

but idk that's just my opinion of it Coolio

I agree on the last one. It jsut proves that no one at home or something is paying attention. Maybe you should give her a friendly hello everyonce in a while. But I dont know.
King For A Couple Of Days
Age: 29
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October 23rd, 2009 at 02:49pm
most people pretend to be depressed to fit the "goth/punk/emo" sterotype.....

Streotypes Rolling Eyes
I can't stand them.
I don't know why people want to live it either...
Matt Smith
Matt Smith
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Mibba Blog
October 23rd, 2009 at 02:56pm
I think its stupid and selfish. You kill yourself, YOUR problems are over but what about the people YOU so selfishly leave behind because you didn't think that anyone cared about your dumbass?

What if you're not leaving anyone behind?
Not everyone in this world has scores of loved-ones who care about their existence. People die and start rotting in their houses for months before people even notice they're dead. You can't just assume everyone has a great support system. Some people will kill themselves and leave nobody behind.
girl almighty
girl almighty
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October 24th, 2009 at 08:10am
Its still inconsiderate. Why won't they try? Why don't they work hard for their happiness? Fight for it and not let it go? They give up too easily. I bet so much if these kids put their energies towards showing others kids that they can make it then no one would have to die that way but they don't. They don't bother to think that they have more to offer this world even if they have no one.
i doubt anyone would consider suicide unless they hadn't already fought against it. it isn't really the first option. some people go through years of therapy, medication, hospitalisation and battling against whatever it is they feel they can't cope with, illness or debt or grief or whatever, and still feel they have no way out of it.
if you someone asked me right this second 'hey, jo, do you want to die?' i'd say no, but if you asked me at another time, if i was very low, i might say not really, but i don't want to live any more either. it isn't through lack of trying, fighting, medication, hospitals or doctors, or family and friends who love me. i have all the things that should make suicide feel like an awful idea, but i also have an illness that makes me feel like suicide is the only option sometimes. some days i "have" it, other days i "suffer" with it. and on the days i'm suffering, all reason and hope disappear, and the idea of any kind of future or belief that i have anything to offer the world seems laughable. i have an amazing support network, and i still find things impossible to handle sometimes, so i can't imagine how desolate it would be without one.
Age: 31
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October 27th, 2009 at 02:00pm
People do not commit suicide because they don't try hard enough. Depression is an illness, and sometimes it's one that never goes away or gets any better, no matter what you do and how hard you try. They commit suicide because it seems like there is no other way out and they just can't take it any more.

You don't just wake up one day and go "well, this is a bit crap, I think I'll kill myself".
To be honest, I think people should be a bit more sympathetic about this stuff.
Age: 28
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Mibba Blog
October 27th, 2009 at 03:11pm
excuses for not trying hard enough.
err, what?
Age: 32
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Posts: 103

October 27th, 2009 at 04:14pm
I used to cut myself for the sheer delight I got out of it.
It's like writing on yourself in marker, except it's ultra-permanant.

I never hid it, either.

I stopped, though, because I cut too deep once, and was taken to the emergency room.
It was either stop, or attend even more therapy.

I chose the former.
Age: 33
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Posts: 1820
October 27th, 2009 at 07:40pm
I use to cut myself when I was about fourteen, I hard about self harm and the idea just fascinated me so I started doing it, I was pretty miserable at the time and I sort of convinced myself that this was a good outlet, and I guess I romanticised the whole exercise in my head. Like doing this made me so fucked up and interesting like some tragic heroine.
I eventually quite doing it when I was sixteen, and now I'm left with an armful of scars to prove what an over dramatic teenager I once was.
Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock Holmes
Age: 31
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October 28th, 2009 at 11:56am
I remember when it was a trend at my school, the people who did it used shards of plastic and thought themselves as 'hardcore'. These were the kids who later made fun of my friend when she was having major problems at home and used to cut as an outlet, they made it all so much worse.
Age: 31
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October 28th, 2009 at 02:40pm
excuses for not trying hard enough.

okay buddy hold on tight. REALITY CHECK ASAP ~not trying hard enough what is that about. looks like SOMEONE is trying way too hard to be shocking and controversial when really they just need to get a proper opinion or MIND THEIR BUSINESS HUH GIRL. attitude at the door plz and ty cuz i do not know where you get off smacktalkin like that but it so is not cool.


Age: 28
Gender: Female
Posts: 68084

Mibba Blog
October 29th, 2009 at 03:21pm
excuses for not trying hard enough.

okay buddy hold on tight. REALITY CHECK ASAP ~not trying hard enough what is that about. looks like SOMEONE is trying way too hard to be shocking and controversial when really they just need to get a proper opinion or MIND THEIR BUSINESS HUH GIRL. attitude at the door plz and ty cuz i do not know where you get off smacktalkin like that but it so is not cool.


Age: -
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Posts: 367
October 30th, 2009 at 09:44am
I admitt, I used to cut.
I still occasionally do.
But I would never broadcast it - eg put photos on myspace or whatever.
The only thing I would do, is tell maybe my best friend.
I don't think that suicide is the answer, and I do understand peoples veiws on it like, it's selfish because there probelms are over but there leaving their loved ones to deal with the consequences. But I know from people in my life that they think thats the only option. I just always hope that everyones got someone they can talk to and realise it's not the answer.