Child molestation

Basket Case
Age: 36
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Posts: 16494

Mibba Blog
January 16th, 2007 at 11:32am

thats the hostpital the hosts peter sutcliffe and for all accounts, the asylums used to host extremely mentally unstable inmates is no walk in the park.
Age: 37
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Posts: 1117
January 16th, 2007 at 11:38am
no.. thats compleatly different.

because somone with aids isnt harming anyone else unless they go out having sex or purpously giving aids to others then i agree they shoud also be locked up.
to be honest i dont see how you can link that as the same thing.. its COMPLEATLY different. lol
I know it's different, but I wanted to know if you see the terms of difference, well, differently. Which you do...

AIDS of course isn't mental, but it can never be properly cured like a mental disease. So if a mentally disturbed patient should be locked away instead of treated, then someone with AIDS should be as well?

i dont really know what thats supposed to mean.. not even sure you do.

no.. mentallt ill patients who are innocent sure should be treated, those who harm others JUST like anyone should be locked up and the key thrown away.
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Posts: 1117
January 16th, 2007 at 11:40am

thats the hostpital the hosts peter sutcliffe and for all accounts, the asylums used to host extremely mentally unstable inmates is no walk in the park.

they still get luxurys.. i think they should be locked away in an old prison with no luxurys nothing just keep them in that cell and dont let them out. there disgusting!
Basket Case
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Posts: 15914

January 16th, 2007 at 11:44am
no.. thats compleatly different.

because somone with aids isnt harming anyone else unless they go out having sex or purpously giving aids to others then i agree they shoud also be locked up.
to be honest i dont see how you can link that as the same thing.. its COMPLEATLY different. lol
I know it's different, but I wanted to know if you see the terms of difference, well, differently. Which you do...

AIDS of course isn't mental, but it can never be properly cured like a mental disease. So if a mentally disturbed patient should be locked away instead of treated, then someone with AIDS should be as well?

i dont really know what thats supposed to mean.. not even sure you do.

no.. mentallt ill patients who are innocent sure should be treated, those who harm others JUST like anyone should be locked up and the key thrown away.
Don't tell me what I do know and what I don't know.

People with AIDS who unknowingly give it to others are harming them. Infact, they're giving them a death sentecne really. Some mentally ill people don't know what's wrong or what's right, or they can't control a compulsion. That doesn't make them anyless good. It just means that they have problems. So why lock them up whe you can at least try and fix them.
Basket Case
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Posts: 15914

January 16th, 2007 at 11:45am

because somone with aids isnt harming anyone else unless they go out having sex or purpously giving aids to others then i agree they shoud also be locked up.
to be honest i dont see how you can link that as the same thing.. its COMPLEATLY different. lol
I know it's different, but I wanted to know if you see the terms of difference, well, differently. Which you do...

AIDS of course isn't mental, but it can never be properly cured like a mental disease. So if a mentally disturbed patient should be locked away instead of treated, then someone with AIDS should be as well?

i dont really know what thats supposed to mean.. not even sure you do.

no.. mentallt ill patients who are innocent sure should be treated, those who harm others JUST like anyone should be locked up and the key thrown away.
Don't tell me what I do know and what I don't know.

People with AIDS who unknowingly give it to others are harming them. Infact, they're giving them a death sentecne really. Some mentally ill people don't know what's wrong or what's right, or they can't control a compulsion. That doesn't make them anyless good. It just means that they have problems. So why lock them up when you can at least try and fix them.
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Posts: 1117
January 16th, 2007 at 11:53am
because somone with aids isnt harming anyone else unless they go out having sex or purpously giving aids to others then i agree they shoud also be locked up.
to be honest i dont see how you can link that as the same thing.. its COMPLEATLY different. lol[/quote]I know it's different, but I wanted to know if you see the terms of difference, well, differently. Which you do...

AIDS of course isn't mental, but it can never be properly cured like a mental disease. So if a mentally disturbed patient should be locked away instead of treated, then someone with AIDS should be as well?[/quote]

i dont really know what thats supposed to mean.. not even sure you do.

no.. mentallt ill patients who are innocent sure should be treated, those who harm others JUST like anyone should be locked up and the key thrown away.[/quote]Don't tell me what I do know and what I don't know.

People with AIDS who unknowingly give it to others are harming them. Infact, they're giving them a death sentecne really. Some mentally ill people don't know what's wrong or what's right, or they can't control a compulsion. That doesn't make them anyless good. It just means that they have problems. So why lock them up whe you can at least try and fix them.[/quote]
too late..

they cant be fixed thats the problem.. its like being an alchoholic when there cured they cant drink and some cant go shopping in fear of drinking bottles in the store
if there let out there are many children about!.. and also why RISK IT?? it infuriates me.. why would you try cure them and then risk it cause they might not do it again.. thats stupidity!.. there obviously ill and disgusting nothing excuses it not even a mental illness..
Basket Case
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Posts: 15914

January 16th, 2007 at 11:56am
they cant be fixed thats the problem.. its like being an alchoholic when there cured they cant drink and some cant go shopping in fear of drinking bottles in the store
if there let out there are many children about!.. and also why RISK IT?? it infuriates me.. why would you try cure them and then risk it cause they might not do it again.. thats stupidity!.. there obviously ill and disgusting nothing excuses it not even a mental illness..
AIDS is unfixable.
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Posts: 1117
January 16th, 2007 at 12:04pm
they cant be fixed thats the problem.. its like being an alchoholic when there cured they cant drink and some cant go shopping in fear of drinking bottles in the store
if there let out there are many children about!.. and also why RISK IT?? it infuriates me.. why would you try cure them and then risk it cause they might not do it again.. thats stupidity!.. there obviously ill and disgusting nothing excuses it not even a mental illness..
AIDS is unfixable.

yes i know that.. but most people with aids wouldnt give it to somone else caus most wouldnt want anyone else to feel like they did..
the ones who do.. i agree should be locked up as well.. just like a child molester.
Basket Case
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Posts: 15914

January 16th, 2007 at 12:08pm
they cant be fixed thats the problem.. its like being an alchoholic when there cured they cant drink and some cant go shopping in fear of drinking bottles in the store
if there let out there are many children about!.. and also why RISK IT?? it infuriates me.. why would you try cure them and then risk it cause they might not do it again.. thats stupidity!.. there obviously ill and disgusting nothing excuses it not even a mental illness..
AIDS is unfixable.

yes i know that.. but most people with aids wouldnt give it to somone else caus most wouldnt want anyone else to feel like they did..
the ones who do.. i agree should be locked up as well.. just like a child molester.
Why do you think that a real mental institution (not the one your anut works at) is not for a child molester who is mentally ill? Isn't that what the place is for in the first place?
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Posts: 1117
January 16th, 2007 at 12:11pm
they cant be fixed thats the problem.. its like being an alchoholic when there cured they cant drink and some cant go shopping in fear of drinking bottles in the store
if there let out there are many children about!.. and also why RISK IT?? it infuriates me.. why would you try cure them and then risk it cause they might not do it again.. thats stupidity!.. there obviously ill and disgusting nothing excuses it not even a mental illness..
AIDS is unfixable.

yes i know that.. but most people with aids wouldnt give it to somone else caus most wouldnt want anyone else to feel like they did..
the ones who do.. i agree should be locked up as well.. just like a child molester.
Why do you think that a real mental institution (not the one your anut works at) is not for a child molester who is mentally ill? Isn't that what the place is for in the first place?

because they should have the most horible time of there life right up to there deaths so they know what these children are going through as a result to there actions!!
answer your question?
Basket Case
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Posts: 15914

January 16th, 2007 at 12:17pm
because they should have the most horible time of there life right up to there deaths so they know what these children are going through as a result to there actions!!
answer your question?
No, I still don't get the point of menat hospitals if everyone is thrown into jail.

Sometimes people can't control their actions. Sometimes they don't even know what they are doing. And there is help for them, and it certainly isn't your fault. Being born mentally disabled isn't your fault. Being autistic or born with down syndrome isn't your fault. So why are people with more extreme cases of mental illness singled out? It's not fair.
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Posts: 1117
January 16th, 2007 at 12:33pm
because they should have the most horible time of there life right up to there deaths so they know what these children are going through as a result to there actions!!
answer your question?
No, I still don't get the point of menat hospitals if everyone is thrown into jail.

Sometimes people can't control their actions. Sometimes they don't even know what they are doing. And there is help for them, and it certainly isn't your fault. Being born mentally disabled isn't your fault. Being autistic or born with down syndrome isn't your fault. So why are people with more extreme cases of mental illness singled out? It's not fair.

the point is to help those who can be cured and to keep those people away from others to stop them corrupting us.. keeping them under control..
but not for those people who do things like kill or abuse children.

there singled out cause there disgusting and harming others and you hear all the time of people that leave these kind of places to be let out on good behavour and then do it again.. is that fair?? there putting children at risk again.. there vile then need to suffer for making these children suffer.
Basket Case
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Posts: 15914

January 16th, 2007 at 12:41pm
there singled out cause there disgusting and harming others and you hear all the time of people that leave these kind of places to be let out on good behavour and then do it again.. is that fair?? there putting children at risk again.. there vile then need to suffer for making these children suffer.
The point of giving them the support they need is to fiz their problem as best as possible so that it won't happen again. Otherwise there is no point in having places like those.
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Posts: 1117
January 16th, 2007 at 12:49pm
there singled out cause there disgusting and harming others and you hear all the time of people that leave these kind of places to be let out on good behavour and then do it again.. is that fair?? there putting children at risk again.. there vile then need to suffer for making these children suffer.
The point of giving them the support they need is to fiz their problem as best as possible so that it won't happen again. Otherwise there is no point in having places like those.

your right.. so lets get rid of them and have the mental retarded people live amongst us..

im not saying we shouldnt have them there are people that belong there not people like child molesters or murderers, there sick and need to be torcherd! just like the kids.
Basket Case
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Posts: 15914

January 16th, 2007 at 12:55pm
there singled out cause there disgusting and harming others and you hear all the time of people that leave these kind of places to be let out on good behavour and then do it again.. is that fair?? there putting children at risk again.. there vile then need to suffer for making these children suffer.
The point of giving them the support they need is to fiz their problem as best as possible so that it won't happen again. Otherwise there is no point in having places like those.

your right.. so lets get rid of them and have the mental retarded people live amongst us..

im not saying we shouldnt have them there are people that belong there not people like child molesters or murderers, there sick and need to be torcherd! just like the kids.
Some of these people are kids in their minds. We can't ignore them.

Are you a democrat?
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Posts: 1117
January 16th, 2007 at 01:03pm
yea but child abuse dosnt come into it!.. why risk it? i say again you hear all the time these people that come out of mental instatutes to do exactly the same point we cant risk that

why would you ask if i was a democrat?..

anyways im going to have dinner now spk soon.
Matt Smith
Matt Smith
Age: 33
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Posts: 31134

Mibba Blog
January 16th, 2007 at 02:56pm
There are different types of mental institution.Or at least different types of hospital wards.
Secure units, maximum secure units, medium secure units etc.
Some have padded walls, some don't because there is no need, the patients are not such a high-level risk.

Besides, padded cells aren't to take the place of bars and imprison a patient. The walls are cushioned so a suicidal patient can't kill themselves by smacking their heads against hard concrete. They are to save a person from themself.

Anyway back on topic.
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 5278

Mibba Blog
January 17th, 2007 at 04:13am
Tyco, isn't this Hitler's reasoning? That mentally disabled/unstable people are a danger to society (as well as a danger to perfect genetics). He said that it would be too great a risk to have insane people in society, so instead of having homes and shelters for them, he burned em. Well, I'm not sure if he burned them exactly, but they were killed. Anyhoo, its wrong. Its inhuman.

Pre WW2, mental patients were put in prison with criminals. With no light, poor food, etc. Do you really think going back to that is a good idea? Child molesters who are mentally unstable cannot be held responsible for their actions completely. Why would you want to torture someone if he didn't know what he was doing? Ok yes, the children suffer. The damage is irreversable. We all agree.

But if the molester can truly plead insanity, then he cannot be made to suffer. I don't find that reasonable at all. Perhaps he will need to be in an institution for the rest of his life, but I don't think it would be morally/legally correct to place him in a dingy cell with a vengeful murderer or something. You can't make someone suffer for acting without knowing what their actions or consequences are. I mean, would you hire someone to rape a mentally unstable rapist?
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Posts: 1117
January 17th, 2007 at 05:30am
i would make them suffer.. as i keep saying nothing excuses what they have done not even insanity!... NOTHING!.
and im not saying lock all the loons up just the ones who are a danger to others. such as murderers and child molesters.
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 5278

Mibba Blog
January 17th, 2007 at 05:56am
i would make them suffer.. as i keep saying nothing excuses what they have done not even insanity!... NOTHING!.
and im not saying lock all the loons up just the ones who are a danger to others. such as murderers and child molesters.

How can serious mental illness not excuse crime? I'm not saying it's okay for someone with a low IQ to be like "Uh...I'm retarded. Acquit me." But if someone is totally and completely deranged, they need help. Not punishment.