Child molestation

Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie
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May 26th, 2005 at 10:13pm
I think they should rot in jail or get brainwashed to kill themsleves, those sick bastards
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May 26th, 2005 at 10:20pm
i say that therapy can solve the problem for most offenders b/c the problem runs deeper that just whats on the surface and with help it can be fixed but you always have those ones that cant be halped and they need to be locked up and away from unsuspecting children........although people can change they very seldom do
Queen of star wars nerds
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May 26th, 2005 at 10:37pm
wow we did this in engish supposably there was a law that said they would cut the guys thing off if they did that
Trouble Bound Castaway
Falling In Love With The Board
Trouble Bound Castaway
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May 27th, 2005 at 01:28am
I believe therapy would be the best solution, unless the situation was more critical, then there would have to be more strict circumstances
wake the dead.
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wake the dead.
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May 27th, 2005 at 02:31am
I think they should be killed.

I agree with you. They have essentially taken that child's life, so theirs can be taken as well.
Trouble Bound Castaway
Falling In Love With The Board
Trouble Bound Castaway
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May 27th, 2005 at 02:49am
I think they should be killed.

I agree with you. They have essentially taken that child's life, so theirs can be taken as well.

Not unless they didn't kill them
wake the dead.
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wake the dead.
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May 27th, 2005 at 04:54am
Stuck With You:
I think they should be killed.

I agree with you. They have essentially taken that child's life, so theirs can be taken as well.

Not unless they didn't kill them

No, but they've still taken the child's life. That kid will be scarred for the rest of their life, they'll never be able to have a normal childhood. They could become depressed, suicidal, cut/hurt themselves, turn to alcohol or drugs to cope with the pain. What sort of life is that then?
Falling In Love With The Board
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May 27th, 2005 at 05:42am
child molesters need help.i mean come on wtf have the kids done to get molestered?some of them are as young as 5 and that is just disgusting.the need help and need it now
Age: 37
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May 27th, 2005 at 06:09am
They need both help and to be punished, some of them do it completely sane and know what there doing. They need to be punished in some way, the current punishments are too easy and they should be more stern with them. Of course from a friend inside prision I know what happens to those who come in that did anything to a chiild. It's not pretty!

I think now though prisons have to put them in seperate wings to protect them from other inmates, although I say let them lose!
I Heart Bunney
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I Heart Bunney
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May 27th, 2005 at 06:10am
They should be locked up for life, think how much the child has been through.
Age: 37
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May 27th, 2005 at 06:14am
They should be locked up for life, think how much the child has been through.

good point. Cool
dumbassofsub. (melluvzgd)
dumbassofsub. (melluvzgd)
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May 27th, 2005 at 06:15am
I think they should be killed.
me too...but that will never happen because of all those damn hippies that love to rally against death

I agree, but please don't stereotype lol
Age: 37
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May 27th, 2005 at 06:21am
dumbassofsub. (melluvzgd):
I think they should be killed.
me too...but that will never happen because of all those damn hippies that love to rally against death

I agree, but please don't stereotype lol

how about we stick with the classic 'shoot them all and let God deside!'
dumbassofsub. (melluvzgd)
dumbassofsub. (melluvzgd)
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May 27th, 2005 at 06:26am
dumbassofsub. (melluvzgd):
I think they should be killed.
me too...but that will never happen because of all those damn hippies that love to rally against death

I agree, but please don't stereotype lol

how about we stick with the classic 'shoot them all and let God deside!'
haha, yes! Line them all up!
girl almighty
girl almighty
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May 27th, 2005 at 07:57am
i think they dont deserve anything. we should prick them with needles until they bleed to death.
Trouble Bound Castaway
Falling In Love With The Board
Trouble Bound Castaway
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May 27th, 2005 at 08:02am
Falling In Love With The Board
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May 27th, 2005 at 11:10am
dumbassofsub. (melluvzgd):
I think they should be killed.
me too...but that will never happen because of all those damn hippies that love to rally against death

I agree, but please don't stereotype lol
hippie is means activist, but it's like the term for activists that are activists just for the hell of being an activist and they protest for the hell of protesting

Quit Reading My Name
Quit Reading My Name
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May 27th, 2005 at 01:56pm
There's obviously something wrong with them or their not getting any/ enough from their wife/ girlfriend/ anyone, so they decide to rape some little kid. I think that there should be harsher sentences and that they should have to go and get therapy.
Falling In Love With The Board
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May 27th, 2005 at 03:26pm
what should we do to those who molest little kids?
should we give them harsher sentences? should they be locked up for life? should they get serious help?


they shouldnt have different punishments...people can do things that are so much worse than chlid mulestation...but i think that should serve jail time and get some theropy....and it has nothing to do with them not "getting any" from a boyfriend/girlfriend....its like a diesese or a werid state of mind...this is really disgusting but my friends unlce had is diease i guess you would call it where he has the urge to have sex with dead cant explain its just how their born....same with child molestors...
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May 27th, 2005 at 09:15pm
harsher punishments.