Child molestation

Astra Slappy
King For A Couple Of Days
Astra Slappy
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May 28th, 2005 at 02:12am
what should we do to those who molest little kids?
should we give them harsher sentences? should they be locked up for life? should they get serious help?


I like the Muslim law for rapists and child abusers. Castration. It means they can never repeat their crimes and have to be reminded of what they've done every time they go to the toilet or look at themselves. It also withdraws the opportunity for sexual pleasure from them. Anyone who uses their cock as a weapon should lose the right to use it for pleasure. Sounds harsh I know but I think it is a just punishment. Sick fucks like that screw up a lot of lives, so why should they just spend a few years in prison and get let off? The death penalty is over too quickly, it solves nothing really. Let the bastard live with what he's done, but not be able to forget it or repeat it.
Age: 36
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May 28th, 2005 at 09:21am
sometimes i wonder is the death penalty getting off to easy? you dont have to sit there and think about what youve done, to me its almost an escape. I met many people who have been molested and like many other things it changes your life completely. But i also dont think that you can always use that as an excuse for your problems, get help do something. I think that we should have harsher laws for child molestors, too many get away with a slap on the wrist. THats not fair to the victims, their families or anyone else.
† Lestat †
† Lestat †
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May 28th, 2005 at 03:53pm
Death is the only thing i think they derserve
Automatic man
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May 30th, 2005 at 09:20pm
i completely understand that some cant be helped and you wouldnt be able to tell truthfully if they had been helped or not. i agree that they should be given harsher punishments. when i was younger i was molested and the person faced very few consequences, i belive it was therapy for a while then they were allowed to go. Even when they were getting hterapy they were allowed to be 'free'. Now of course every case is different yet many molestors are not given adequte punishments. I think that the punishments should be harsher. MAny molestors can be unpunished because of age. we should be protecting our children. people who are the victims are left to pick up the pieces in their lives. ok im done with my rant, this issue is really personal to me and many others im sure. I want molestors to have harsher punishments and therapy if they are willing but not in replacement of a punishment.

The punishment doesn't fith the crime. I don't know maybe we should just lock them up because of what they did. I mean if we made it official that we would lock them up, not only would that stop them from ever molseting again but it would also be a greater deterrant for others...
King For A Couple Of Days
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May 30th, 2005 at 09:25pm
This is what i think of child molestors:

just plain sick.

Oh! In california, there's a law passed that says that all child molestors must be registered and must have their living location known. Like, um, there's this site, um hang on let me find it.... I think it is. You can check the location of all of the registered ones in cali. It's scary to see how close some of them live to schools. there's one who lives like within like 2 blocks from my school.......o_0
Age: 36
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May 30th, 2005 at 09:43pm
Yes there is a law but there are ways of getting around that law at least where i live, you can take plea bargins and things to not be on the list if your a minor. Its quite sad really. Also if your not on the list and try to get a job with children how would they know about your past because your not on the list. Also if your a minor (i dont know if it applies to adults) and the person is within a few years of you they cant proscute the molestor. At least in the situation i am aware of. These situations that i am refreeing to are personal experiences and ones from friends and such so dont quote me please.
Less Than Jack
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Less Than Jack
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May 30th, 2005 at 10:01pm
They should be starved Twisted Evil

i dont they do that to people?
King For A Couple Of Days
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June 19th, 2005 at 02:57pm
Well, since I am on of those kids, I reccomend that we... Ruin their lives like they have ruined ours... Cut them to pieces, jump on them, burn them and then feed the rest to the pigs.
King For A Couple Of Days
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June 19th, 2005 at 03:00pm
I'm actually being forced to spend time to the bastard who did it to me. WTF? I like the castration option. Sick bastards, we don't need them to make more sick bastards and do the same to them.
Blind Tube Mare
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Blind Tube Mare
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June 19th, 2005 at 05:40pm
I don't see the problem with molesting those under the age of two. They won't remember, surely?
Frutton Lace-Slapp
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June 19th, 2005 at 05:42pm
I saw one once, Trams, there. Horrid nasty
Frutton Lace-Slapp
Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie
Frutton Lace-Slapp
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June 19th, 2005 at 05:43pm
my english is poor, sorry for poor
Age: 36
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June 19th, 2005 at 07:53pm
Blind Tube Mare:
I don't see the problem with molesting those under the age of two. They won't remember, surely?

excuse me? are you serious? molestation isnt right at ANY age and they may not remeber it but that is totally beside the point have you ever met someone whos been molested it ruins their life and the lives of those around them. i think you need to think about what you say. molestation isnt aright EVER try telling ti doesnt matter if your molested under the age of two to someone whos been molested. thats fucked sorry i just cant believe you said that.
Skankiana Jones!
Skankiana Jones!
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June 19th, 2005 at 11:38pm
Molestation. Aw man... I believe that they offender should be sentenced to life imprisonment so they can never do that to a child EVER AGAIN. It totally fucks up people in a big way. I'm sure on that. Death is almost too easy (even though it may be best) and I'm sorry, but therapy won't fix them.
King For A Couple Of Days
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June 25th, 2005 at 10:12am
Blind Tube Mare:
I don't see the problem with molesting those under the age of two. They won't remember, surely?

Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked

Ok, so I usually get a bit annoyed of the newbies, but...

WHAT ARE YOU THINKING WITH YOU DUMBFUCK!!!! Even if they are young the consequenses last for the rest of their lifes! Many of them can actually remember it moore or less, most of them remember it unconciously, and what happends in your family will leave marks for ever!
† Lestat †
† Lestat †
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June 25th, 2005 at 11:36am
Blind Tube Mare:
I don't see the problem with molesting those under the age of two. They won't remember, surely?

So its ok? WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?! You are sick! That is disgusting to even think that you sick fuck!!! I read a story about a baby girl in a third world country who was molested by two men while her mother was out and they slit her with glass and then molested her, you think that is ok? And even if they dont remember it their family or loved ones will!
killing loneliness
killing loneliness
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June 25th, 2005 at 03:38pm
u can't have a death sentence here in estonia, u just get locked up for life. but yeah, child molestation is a serious crime, and i, personaly, would beat up any one who would commit such a terrible crime.
Goodbye, Norma Jeane
King For A Couple Of Days
Goodbye, Norma Jeane
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September 5th, 2005 at 06:28am
they should definitely get serios help. molesting kids is just suck and wrong
King For A Couple Of Days
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September 5th, 2005 at 12:43pm
chop their 'equipment' off.
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September 5th, 2005 at 04:07pm
as we grow up in the world, we have to agree with the fact there are a lot of sick fucks out there. Anyone who even puts their hand on an innocent child in a way like that doesn't have respect for themselves or any one else. i say that they get either sentenced life or a sure as hell long while. i pray for the moletors and the poor children that have been invaded like that. sick, sick motherfuckers, gold help them.